"Denver-based Specialist Helps Star Athletes Return to the Field and Perform Better...
The Denver Broncos had more than a game-day strategy to win Super Bowl 50. In fact, for many years, the team’s long-term strategy behind the scenes has involved Greg Roskopf and his innovative physical approach to injury recovery and prevention. Through his work, he’s helped the Broncos and other star athletes return to the field and perform better.
Roskopf, founder of the innovative Muscle Activation Techniques® or MAT®, is a Denver-based specialist who has been working with the Broncos as a consultant for nearly 20 years. This is the third time the Broncos have won the Super Bowl, with Roskopf involved behind the scenes, performing hands-on work with players whose injuries sometimes cannot be fixed by conventional rehabilitation.
Roskopf visits the Broncos training facility a couple of times a week and sees the majority of the players. He also meets with the players who have special needs on an individual basis at his office.
But what does he do that is so special?..."
Published on 24 Hour Fitness Blog
February 12, 2016